About Us
The name One Degree is the vision of our founder, Saurabh Doshi which he got from the concept called 6 degrees of separation which states that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other,
which simply means that if you want to know Barack Obama you are 6 people away
from having a chat with him.
Thus, the name One Degree, as we want to directly connect people or simply put,
skipping those 6 people between you and the person you want to know.
We are building not just a workspace but a community where people enjoy spending
their work hours!
Saurabh Doshi, Founder
Caught Saurabh Doshi in action. Founder at One Degree Coworking, an avid traveller, always high on energy and having an urge to start new things.
Saurabh also believes that nowadays there are so many co-working spaces that are fully open with shared desks. Many reports say that even though shared spaces are extremely good for making connections, productivity at work decreases. Thus our space has dedicated desks with partitions so that while working, our members can concentrate 100%. We also have huge event spaces and a breakout room where our members can make those connections and relax. Basically, the best of both worlds.